



There are always two sides to every story: Expectations and reality. Most of the time, you expect something extraordinary and get almost nothing in return because the reality is something else. Here in the article, we will explain the reality of renting the home in dubai.


The same thing applies to the real estate market in Dubai. You look for a rental apartment and start imagining things that are not true. But, if you are consulting Home Sweet Home Real Estate, you will surely get what you seek because we are turning dreams into reality.

The expectation beyond the reality is still disappointing for the Dubai tenants. In such a case, you need expert property managers who can find you a better place that at least meets your expectations.

Let’s shed some light on the expectation vs reality when renting a home in Dubai.

  • Legal Process (Paperwork): RENTING HOME IN DUBAI

We understand the paperwork can be the most hectic stage while renting an apartment in Dubai. However, we still try to make this process easier for you and expedite it to eliminate useless delays.

Expectation: You must find the apartment and go through the entire renting process.

Reality: There are unlimited real estate agencies with many expert brokers who develop your options. You do not need to look for the options you will have on rentals, and the expert property consultants will help you and get you a dream place.

When the renting process starts, there are a couple of things a tenant should keep in mind in which tenancy contract is on top. The beginning of the paperwork that a real estate agent prepares for his client explains everything in detail to eliminate any kind of fraudulent risk.

All you need to do is review the terms and conditions, rental price, handover date, payment plan, and other important stuff. Once you are sure, just sign the tenancy contract, and here you go: you now have a home on rent. This is the reality that is far different than the expectations.

  • Furnished or Non-Furnished : RENTING HOME IN DUBAI 

It always pops up in our minds when we think of a home full of luxurious and comfortable furniture and fixtures. But it always depends upon your choice for your rental apartment.

Expectation: When you plan to rent an apartment or any kind of residence in Dubai, you think of the luxuries and modern living.

Reality: Whether renting an apartment in Dubai or planning to buy, you always have an option for furnished and non-furnished apartments. If you opt for furnished apartments, you always get the necessary things for a living and use them for the rental duration.

But, if you opt for the non-furnished apartment, you still have to decorate the rental apartment in Dubai to make it convenient for your living. This is not the only reason you want to shift to Dubai; there are more, so if you want to find out the best reasons to live in Dubai, you can always have several options.

  • Rental Increment/Change in Contract

This is one of a tenant’s fears while renting an apartment in Dubai if the owner increases rent after a few months.

Expectation: If you rent an apartment in Dubai, you might have a question in mind if an owner increases the rent and breaks the terms.

Reality: Usually, the tenancy contract is for one year, and then you must change the terms and rent. But, if an owner asks to increase the rent in the middle of the contract, you can consult the Dubai Land Department for legal support because the contract can only be changed with the approval of both parties.

  • Mode of Payment for Home in Dubai

This is the critical part of renting an apartment in Dubai. People think they can just pay and have access to the home.


Expectations: Pay the property owner in cash and instantly own the apartment.

Reality: There are different modes of payment when renting a home in Dubai. The real estate experts help you with that and do the entire process from scratch to suffice. There are cheque options for you; you can pay the payment in one, two, three, or four cheques based on the payment splitting.

It depends on both parties’ agreement on how you want to pay and how they want to receive the payment. However, there is no difficulty in paying the rent for a home in Dubai. It is as simple as 1,2,3.

Let’s Rent a Home in Dubai

You are good to go for renting a home in Dubai now. We have tried summarising all the information you should have before renting a home in Dubai. Also, some research is still required before you opt for a choice.

Ensure that you consult a good real estate agency in Dubai so that you can never risk becoming a fraud victim. The real estate market in Dubai is advancing and still growing. You might get confused because of the several options, but if you have Home Sweet Home Real Estate, you can always have a good choice for renting a home in Dubai.

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